Contact Us


Since inception Craft Science Inc. has been growing at a remarkable rate.
Our ever-expanding team of highly intelligent and devoted industry-leading
professionals helps us maintain our high quality standards.

The diversity of knowledge, experience and knowhow of our group makes us uniquely
well-rounded to tackle the most complex and intricate problems our clients are facing.

Curiosity, devotion, innovation, creativity and persistence
drives the Craft Science team and propels us towards new frontiers.

We are always on the lookout for creative,
talented and dedicated scientific consultants, writers
and editors to join our team of experts.

If you are you a native English speaker with a PhD in the biological, chemical
or physical sciences and a passion for problem solving, scientific writing or editing
this might be the right place for you.

If you are interested in joining our team,

please send:

a copy of your CV and up to 3 portfolio items to:
[email protected]

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